• What to Pack on Your Sports Tour

What to Pack on Your Sports Tour

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Whether this is your first sports tour or your hundredth, it’s always helpful to have a rundown of what items you may want to pack. So, we’ve created  this Packing Checklist list especially for our inspiresport groups to help Party Leaders and players know what to include on tour. We hope you find this useful – please feel free to share with all the players before you depart!

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Choir tours are some of our favourite tours to org Choir tours are some of our favourite tours to organise at Tour Time, not least because we get to plan amazing experiences like Fortissimo at Dilworth has just had - a workshop with Paul Mealor (LVO CStJ FRSA FRSE CLJ FLSW), at the King’s Chapel of the Savoy. Talk about #momentsthatmatter!

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